SFL Flues & Chimneys
Pottington Business Park
EX31 1LZ

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+44 (0)1271 326633

Quality, factory painted flue systems – off the shelf!

11 January 2016

factory painted flue systemsThere’s no doubt, black factory painted flue systems are often preferable in domestic installations.

The growing popularity of painted product is a clear indication despite the option regularly carrying a hefty premium in terms of price and ordering time. SFL products have long been known for their quality and longevity and customers have historically gone to great lengths to have the product painted by specialists for specific installations. More recently, brands such as NOVA have become available pre-painted, but SFL are proud to be able to improve on this.

Due to the installation of a painting facility at our Barnstaple headquarters, powder-coated twin wall flue is now more affordable, and available faster than ever! Not only this, but the finish is a superb quality satin black that is bound to look amazing indoors and out. NOVA and Sflue twin wall systems are available to you through most SFL suppliers.

Looking for factory painted flue systems?

We can supply factory painted flue systems from stock. Contact us for more details.


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